Monday, August 01, 2011

Baby Shower Games

So...a friend of mine just asked me to come up with a good baby shower game.  I tell you what, when it comes to baby shower games, there is truly nothing new under the sun.  I think I went to my first baby shower when I was seven, and here we are, 23 years later, still playing the same games.

Can I get a witness?  I mean, seriously, how many of you have correctly guessed the number of m&ms are in the jar?  If you're like me, never.  But it isn't for lack of trying.  Again.  And again.  And which of you have not sniffed candybars melted into diapers trying to figure out what kind they are?  I can't believe we ruin perfectly good candy bars on that one (you can, of course, still use the diapers).  And how many times have you lost a clothes pin because you crossed your legs or said "mother?" many of you just went ahead and gave your clothes pins away at the beginning of the party?

And if you google "baby shower games" you will find no help.  I promise.  You will find the same twelve games we've been playing since m&ms were invented.  In fact, look up "creative baby shower games."  You will find the same twelve games.  "New baby shower ideas."  The same twelve games.  "Unique baby shower games."  The same twelve games.  In fact, go to and you may not be surprised to find...nothing at all.

So, when my friend asked me to come up with a baby shower game, I googled baby shower games and behold, I found ...  m&m's, clothes pins, candy bars...and baby bingo...Now there's a thought...I haven't played that one in at least...two showers.  Or using crepe paper to guess how big the mother's belly is.  (Not recommended when the shower is after the birth...or for that matter...before).  I could get rice and have blindfolded people try to find objects in the rice.  Or we could try pinning diapers onto dolls.  Yep, just like I told you, Danielle.  The SAME TWELVE GAMES. 

So now I understand why we have played the same games over and over. My hat is off to you ladies who who have been planning baby showers all these years.

Okay, I confess, there were a few I found that I haven't seen done at any of our church baby showers...such as chugging beer out of baby bottles; or having a binkie spitting contest.  Okay, I don't exactly remember ever bowling for baby bottles either.  But I didn't find anything helpful, if you know what I mean.

But I have exactly one week to do what the whole of American society has failed to do in at least the last 23 years and, I suspect, a good bit longer and that is--come up with a THIRTEENTH baby shower game to make it a baker's dozen for the rest of womankind on our corner of the planet.

There are some who fought in wars for our country.  There are some who give their lives to uphold justice.  There are some who will always be remembered for their unique contributions to art, music, and science.  But right now, I'd be grateful for the contribution of one...just one...brave woman who breaks all the chains of tradition and comes up with a NEW baby shower game.  Maybe it will just have to be me.

1 comment:

NHbooklover said...

From one who turned 31 this year to one who turns 30 today - Happy Birthday, Danielle!

My mom did this one once at a baby shower, but it only works if the baby is already named. Put that name and dozens of others on small pieces of paper, which you roll up and put into balloons. Blow the balloons up and let all the women have fun popping them. (Like we used to do as kids at birthday parties - hated that game!) Whoever finds the right name gets a prize. (The fun part is the ridiculous - but real - names you can put in those balloons!)